The paper deals with an estimaton of displacements and internal forces in slurry walls, as well as sheet-pile
walls, piling systems or single piles, by solving two Euler–Bernoulli beams resting on the standard Winkler
subsoil. The term “hybrid con struction” refers to a vertical beam which is strengthened by a horizontal
cantilever platform, resting also on the Winkler subsoil. A rigid joint between the two beams is assumed to
calculate a split of the bending moment to both bearing members. Analytical solutions are presented – for
various subsoil coefficients. Substantial reduction of both the wall deflection and internal forces yields from
numerical examples.
MLA | Brząkała, Włodzimierz, and Aneta Herbut. "Application of the Winkler model to the calculation of a hybrid retaining construction." Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura 17.2 (2018): 37-51. |
APA | Brząkała W. and Herbut A. (2018). Application of the Winkler model to the calculation of a hybrid retaining construction. Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura, 17 (2), 37-51 |
ISO 690 | Brząkała, Włodzimierz, Herbut, Aneta. Application of the Winkler model to the calculation of a hybrid retaining construction. Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura, 2018, 17.2: 37-51. |