Polska Bibliografia Naukowa

Index Copernicus Journal Master List


Issue 6 (4) 2007 pp. 59–70

Zuzanna Borcz


Keywords: town planning, corner houses, architectural form, historical transformations
Abstract: In towns and small localities the corner building plots exist; the houses on these parcels have a special architectural form. In the history of urban planning streets and squares had the densely built-up frontages. After the Second World War a well-spaced housing development, not directly connected with streets arrangement began. Recently the partial return to dense building-up of traffic roads occurred, therefore the design of corner houses has been necessary. Since the architecture of corner houses corresponded with trends of given periods, the eclectic, secessional, modernist and post-modernist buildings are to be found. The presented examples show corner houses in small and bigger towns built after arious architectural trends. Many corner houses have interesting form reflecting the creativeness of contemporary architects.
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For citation:

MLA Borcz, Zuzanna. "ARCHITECTURAL FORM OF CORNER HOUSES." Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura 6.4 (2007): 59–70.
APA Borcz Z. (2007). ARCHITECTURAL FORM OF CORNER HOUSES. Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura, 6 (4), 59–70
ISO 690 Borcz, Zuzanna. ARCHITECTURAL FORM OF CORNER HOUSES. Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura, 2007, 6.4: 59–70.
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